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Tuesday Moderate Ride – April 23 – Panera – 9:00 A...
Neal Ney

Tuesday Moderate Ride – April 23 – Panera – 9:00 AM

There is in Northbrook a bike path of a tad more than a mile in length – The East Northbrook Trail – which is more or less a trail to nowhere. Back in the day for reasons that were never clear to me some EBC rides would use this trail as a connection between Skokie Boulevard and Voltz Road. It fell out of use, but I resurrected it briefly in 2017, when we had to work around some now forgotten construction project on Skokie Boulevard. This was not the most efficient or effective route, but I have to come up with something for every Tuesday. I considered it a bit of a novelty ride and called it “Prove of Concept.”

It occurred to me that this same path would provide a not particularly efficient or effective route around the Tower Bridge construction. I dug out the old route, but because it started at the Chandler Center and had the late and much missed Graffiti Grill for a lunch stop, I decided a new route would be in order. Thus, Proof of Concept 2 was born: Prove of Concept2 · Ride with GPS. Our total distance will be about 42 miles. I will ride at a moderate (13 – 15 mph) pace. With enough interest there will be a second slightly faster group led by Will. This route is from my personal library, not the Club’s library. It is essentially a ride to Lake Bluff and back, with this funky little trail thrown in for entertainment value.

We will be lunching at Panera in Lake Bluff.

Once again, the forecast for Tuesday is grim, but not as grim as last week’s forecast, and we were able to ride last week. This week the forecast is for morning clouds with off and on rain in the afternoon. The chance of rain is 50%. The high temperature will be 65 degrees with WSW winds at 10 to 20 mph. I will wait until Tuesday morning to make a final decision about the weather and will post a go-or-no go message to the listserv before 7:30 AM.

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